
Clam Anti-Virus is a free virus scanning utility that works like a charm. Thus far I haven’t had any issues with it. You can also install many other AV scanners that Maia-Mailguard can use. You are not limited to one. You can read more about ClamAV by visiting the web site at

Enable ClamAV at boot time:

# sysrc clamav_freshclam_enable=YES
# sysrc clamav_clamd_enable=YES

Set permissions on the db, log and socket directories:

# chown -R vscan:vscan /var/{log,run,db}/clamav

Start FreshClam as well as the ClamAV daemon:
NOTE: It may take a little while for “freshclam” to download the file(s). So, you might see a message like “Missing /var/db/clamav/*.cvd or *.cld files. You must run freshclam first” if you attempt to start clamd too soon. So, just give freshclamd a minute to finish it’s thing and then start clamd.

# service clamav-freshclam start
# service clamav-clamd start

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